Published: June 2 2022 at 10:21
IF YOU HAVE BOUGHT A VIP TICKET, you pick up your wristband at the VIP Accreditation.
It is located on the other side of the main road 508, about 100 meters southbound from our restaurant and merch shop building.
VIP-Accreditation Opening Hours:
Tuesday 7 June: 08.00-23.00
Wednesday 8 June: 08.00-23.00
Thursday 9 June: 08.00-23.00
Friday 10 June: 08.00-23.00
Saturday 11 June: 08.00-23.00
IF YOU HAVE BOUGHT A STANDARD TICKET, you pick up your wristband at the Ticket Exchange.
It is located south of the main entrance. Follow the signs towards Ticket Exchange ("Biljettombyte" in Swedish).
In order for the exchange to go as smoothly and quickly as possible, we have set the following ground rules:
· On Tuesday, only 4-day wristbands will be distributed.
· Until 12:00 on Wednesday, only 4-day- and Wednesday wristbands will be distributed.
· All 1-day wristbands will be distributed on the day that the ticket is valid for.
Ticket Exchange Opening Hours:
Tuesday 7 June: 12:00-22:00 - 4-day tickets are exchanged
Wednesday 8 June: 08:00-13:00 - 4-day and Wednesday tickets are exchanged
Wednesday 8 June: 13:00-23:00 - 4-day, 3-day and Wednesday tickets are exchanged
Thursday 9 June: 09:00-23:00 - 3-day and Thursday tickets are exchanged
Friday 10 June: 10:00-23:00 - 1-day Friday tickets are exchanged
Saturday 11 June: 10:00-23:00 - 1-day Saturday tickets are exchanged
IF YOU HAVE BOUGHT A PARKING 1 OR 2 TICKET, you may drive straight to the parking lot. Once there, you show the crew your ticket and you will get a parking pass to put in your car window.
Parking 1 is located on "Norjevägen", just North of the Accreditation tents.
Parking 2 is located on "Norjevägen" as well, but about 1 km North, with access via road 508. Follow the signs!